12 collage images of some of our Keynote Speaker and Panel Chair headshots: (Left to right) Kate Nash, Rain Newton-Smith, Jas Singh, Martha Lane Fox, Diane Lightfoot, Mark Hodgkinson, Katy Talikowska, Helen Cooke, Alex Mahon, Syreeta Brown, Marc Allera and Sara Weller CBE. Across the bottom of the image are eight partner logos: (Left to right) Business Disability Forum, Channel 4, Lloyds Banking Group, Scope, PurpleSpace, Valuable 500, Sara Weller CBE and ImpactMatch.
ActionAble 2025
On Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, ActionAble 2025 will host the UK’s first ever virtual conference with world renowned practitioners dedicated to empowering businesses to build disability-inclusive action plans.
This virtual event, led by world-renowned practitioners, will give you access to everything you need to build a practical, actionable plan to make 2025 a landmark year for disability inclusion in your business, and across the UK. The event, spearheaded by Sara Weller CBE, is supported by Partners, Business Disability Forum, Channel 4, Lloyds Banking Group, Scope, Valuable 500, Purple Space and is delivered by ImpactMatch.
2025 is a time to take stock, 30 years on from the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. This is an opportunity for a renewed focus on positive action for greater inclusion, across the year, as we head towards the Valuable 500’s SYNC25 event in Tokyo, on December 3rd/4th 2025.
Our ultimate goal for the event is to create a fully inclusive workplace with fair representation and a zero engagement gap by empowering UK Boards of Companies to authentically represent the colleagues, customers, and communities they serve by supporting them to recruit, retain and develop individuals with disabilities (or lived experience).
Delegates will gain access to practical advice from leading organisations and develop tangible action plans for making disability inclusion a core part of their business strategies.
The details
When is it? The event will take place on Wednesday 26 February 2025, between 9:00AM and 5:30PM.
Where is it? We are running the event virtually on ImpactMatch Rooms, our innovative, virtual, community platform to drive collective action and impact. This technology platform and event venue, aims to eliminate “Talk Shops” and accelerate social impact outcomes from dynamic and direct action.
Who is speaking? Our speaker line-up features leading voices from across the disability inclusion community. These experts, innovators, and advocates will share their insights, experiences, and practical solutions to help you advance your inclusion efforts and drive meaningful change in your organisation. See the full agenda and speaker line up on the event page (see below).
The Action Plan is a key outcome of the ActionAble 2025 Summit, enabling your organisation to help your colleagues and customers, and track progress in disability inclusion for 2025 and beyond.
To ensure you leave with a Disability Inclusion Action Plan tailored to your organisation’s needs, we’ve created an ActionAble 2025 Planner. This guide will help you identify the sessions and exhibitors based on the challenges your organisation is facing, and capture insights during the event.
This document is designed as a fillable Word file for you to download, customise, and use throughout the event. Once you download the document, it is yours to keep. Any notes, reflections, or plans you enter are completely private – ImpactMatch and our partners will not have access to your responses. This will be on your desktop only.
We’ve structured the event around seven key areas of disability inclusion, based on the Business Disability Forum (BDF) and Valuable 500 frameworks.
Download the document by completing the form.
Interested in exhibiting?
Does your organisation provide products or services to support people with disabilities? Be part of a movement for inclusivity and connect with 1,000+ decision-makers focused on social impact. Host a branded virtual booth to network, share resources, and support delegates to further disability inclusion in their organisations.
Your organisation must fit into one of the following categories: Leading & Development; Customers & Service Users; Workplace Adjustments; Communications & Marketing; Goals, Measures & Business Plans; and Colleagues.

Our first ever ActionAble 2025 Exhibitor Sponsor, Signly.
Sara Weller
The ImpactMatch team are so pleased that we have had the opportunity to work with Sara and Vic and all the incredible partners on this crucial agenda for society and for the UK.
Despite the workplace becoming more diverse than ever, disability remains one of its last taboos. there is only 1 board member within the FTSE 100 that has disclosed a disability in company annual reporting.
The one boardroom member reported is Sara Weller, a non-executive director of BT, Chair of the Money and Pensions Service and an established business and public sector leader, who has lived with progressive multiple sclerosis for 15 years.
Sara, who is spearheading ActionAble, says:
This event is about driving real action and impact not words. Talking about diversity only gets you so far. Our aim is to equip businesses with the tools and support they need to transform the workplace. I am amazed how all these leading organisations are joining forces for one day of action, to give CEOs and their teams the tools to make 2025 a year to step-change disability inclusion across the UK….next year will mark the 30th anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act. It is a pioneering moment but, in the business world, there needs to be a renewed sense of urgency to provide the right frameworks to empower people with a disability and help their places of work become more representative of wider society.
ImpactMatch’s mission is to support organisations and impact driven leaders to accelerate social impact at scale, which is one of the key reasons we’re so proud to be one of the Co-Founders and Delivery Partner for ActionAble 2025.
This landmark campaign unites some of the UK’s most prominent businesses and respected leaders to address disability exclusion in the workplace.
Since its inception, we’ve collaborated closely with the wonderful Sara Weller CBE who is spearheading the campaign alongside ActionAble 2025 amazing partners to implement a strategy that supports businesses across the UK.
ImpactMatch are managing the approach, delivery and marketing to ensure an impactful experience. Central to ActionAble 2025 is the impact led strategy and the use of ImpactMatch Rooms, our innovative virtual community platform
For ActionAble 2025 we also provide our #ImpactMatchRooms proposition including a technology platform and event venue, aimed at eliminating “Talk Shops” and accelerating social impact outcomes from dynamic and direct action.
How do I register?
Visit the event page, When you are on the landing page you should see a navigation menu on the left reading ‘Register’ or ‘Login’. Select ‘Register’ and fill out the form.
Once submitted, you will receive two emails from the system. The first email is a Sign Up confirmation email, with a temporary password. (This may land in your spam/junk folder).
Please follow the link and login to the platform using your email and the temporary password. The system will then prompt you to set up a new password for your user.
Once you have reset your password, you are now ready to login! Please visit the event page (this should redirect you automatically) and then login using the navigation menu on the left.
You should now be registered to the event and logged in to the ImpactMatch Rooms platform!
Keep your login details handy, as this will be how you join the event. Need assistance or an alternative format for registration? Contact us at support@impactmatch.global and the team will be on hand to help.
I can't access the event page - my firewall is blocking it.
To support our clients who deal with organisations with strict firewall policies, we provide a list of sites that should be included as part of an IP allow list.
Our platform utilises a variety of domains and protocols to connect participants to our virtual platform. If you’re trying to navigate the platform or join presentation sessions from a network behind a restrictive firewall, or through a Virtual Private Network (VPN), you’ll need to make sure to configure the corporate network to allow a set of domains and IP addresses.
Below are a list of domains we recommend whitelisting in order to get the best experience with iVent PRO
If you have any problems with this whitelisting process, please contact support@impactmatch.global directly.
How do I reset my password?
Navigate to the event URL. Click ‘Forgotten Password’, click the ‘Email’ field’. Enter the email you registered with and click Forgot Password. You will be sent a unique reset code to your email. Enter or copy & paste the code into this field here. Enter your new password into the New Password field.Click submit. Enter your new password into the New Password field.
My temporary password isn't working
Please copy and paste the temporary password from your Sign Up email. This does not include the brackets.
If this still doesn’t work, please contact support@impactmatch.global and we’ll issue you a new password.
I want to change some of my personal information, where do I do this?
If you go to your initials (bottom left) in the platform and click ‘View Details’ below your email address at the top you will see an area open out and a pen icon to update your details, you can also add a profile image here.
How do I manage my schedule?
You can add items in the Agenda to your own personal schedule called ‘My Schedule’.
First, navigate to the Agenda on the event page. Then click on the plus icon below to add to ‘My Schedule’.
Select ‘My Schedule’ in the left side banner just above your User Profile (this is a calendar icon). This will open My Schedule.
Here, ‘My Schedule’ will keep track of the various agenda items for the event you’re attending. You can use the search bar to search for specific items in your schedule or you can use the ‘Filter by Track’ option to filter by a selection of assigned Tracks (Tags).
Clicking the dropdown arrow will show the description of the item in your schedule, click it again to collapse it. This will help you navigate My Schedule without having too much text on show.
When the Join button is present on an item in your schedule, it means the session is now joinable, available 10 minutes before the session begins. Click Join to access the session.
If you ever want to remove an item from your schedule, simply select the Remove from My Schedule icon here.
How can I invite others?
Registration officially opens to a public audience from 2 December, so please refrain from sharing the event or inviting anyone until then. To invite others after this date, simply share the event page link here.
Is the event platform accessible?
Accessibility is a top priority for ActionAble 2025. The presentations will include live-human captioning and BSL interpreters, is fully screen-reader compatible, and allows you to join sessions via mobile from anywhere.
All sessions will be available on-demand after the event, giving you flexibility to watch them at your convenience. We will be asking speakers and exhibitors to provide accessible resources and slides in advance for attendees to review, offering guidance on making these materials accessible.
We are always looking to improve our platform and user experience, so if you have any feedback or improvements, or if you have specific needs, let us know, and we’ll do our best to accommodate them – support@impactmatch.global
How do I get a copy of the agenda and speakers?
You can access the full agenda with speakers directly on the event page (either on the homepage or in the navigation menu on the left). To see the speakers for each session, select the dropdown option on the right of a presentation in the agenda to expand the session information.
You can customise your experience by adding sessions to your personalised schedule, ensuring the content aligns with your specific interests and needs for the day.
Can I have assistance?
If you have specific needs, let us know by contacting support@impactmatch.global and we’ll do our best to accommodate them.