Reflecting on our time since we stood up ImpactMatch , we wanted to share some valuable lessons we have learned so far for anyone who may find it helpful – especially when considering starting their own business or for those who are just interested in what we have been up to!
Failure as Learning: 📚 We’re moving so fast, and there’s no time to dwell on mistakes even if we wanted to, (which is helpful for an over-thinker like me especially!). So instead of seeing failure as setbacks, we are working really hard to see them as opportunities to grow. A very wise person told us recently to consider mistakes as part of our training budget and it’s really been such great advice. I sometimes personally miss the aircover of big corporations of course but it’s simply brilliant to see how fast we can adapt to client and colleague feedback without the otherwise inevitable bureaucracy.
Pilot with Partners: 🤝 our current project pilot is under embargo, so we can’t divulge too much (yet!). We have learned SO much through the generosity of partners who have supported us to create social impact, especially where finding that sweet spot on an initiative that helps partners too. Collaborating with others is enjoyable and has been invaluable in shaping our propositions at speed.
Don’t Hesitate to Ask: as long as you’re careful not to over ask, in most cases the worst thing someone can say is simply no. So please try not to be shy and be brave when seeking guidance and knowledge from mentors, peers, and available resources. Asking for testimonials for me personally was a bit of a cringe moment but you will be surprised at how much people want & love to help you and your business have impact – we are so greatful 💚
It’s Never Too Late: ⏰ at 53 this year, some may think it’s a bit crazy to start a new business at my age. There are days when I do if I’m totally honest! For me I’ve found immense inspiration from my team, network of friends and colleagues that I have been lucky enough to get to know really well over these “many” years ☺️. My age and experience brings valuable insights and so I am no longer cursing my years but celebrating them as without them we simply would not be able to deliver on our vision and mission.
Pay It Forward: Generosity can open unexpected doors in the future and the main reason for us is that kindness feels really good too 🥰
Invest in Self-Care: I’ve learned the hard way that rest and balance are crucial for success and yet I personally still need to do better at this for sure. So we put time aside for exercise & we try to do walk & talk meetings when we remember! For me, I have one day of the week when I do not look at emails or talk about work at all! I tried for two days but again I have much more work to do on this. I always choose the same day and it gives my brain and mouth a rest! (& so a welcome treat for my friends & family too 🙂 Thanks to a dear friend I am listening to Mel Robbins Podcasts if anyone needs help on this too and please do share what you find helpful too.
Big Business & Big Impact 📈 We all get used to our surroundings & culture. Help people who work in big business understand your SME company challenges & work hard to understand theirs too. Big business can have the biggest social impact & they have the most wonderful & kind souls with super smart brains too.
Seek innovation: 💡 Don’t confine yourself to work & networks just near you, leverage tech to work & meet with people across the UK & Internationally too. Our work with partners and networks outside of the UK is a bit more tricky with legals but has always been just so blinking interesting, much more of that to come too! 🌍
Values Matter: Stay true to your principles and don’t compromise. One of the advantages of being your own boss is saying “no thank you” to potential partnerships or clients that don’t align with your or your teams values – saying no may seem a bit alien but this stops all the worrying and so much time lost down the line. I was talking to a client the other day who has built several successful impact organisations and they explained saying No where there was a mismatch in values was a massive part of the secret of their success. Just like any personal relationship I guess, not everyone is going to get on with everyone so call it and don’t waste your time or theirs. I am such an overthinker so this one has been a game changer for me and your initial instincts can be useful here too. Focus on being able to work with people that inspire you with their ethics & values while also remembering everyone is different so its about finding your match. This lesson has been so rewarding and so all of our clients & partners we work with are a total joy & thank you so much if you’re one 💚
If you got this far, thank you 🙏 for reading and if you want to find out more about what we do then please do take a look here & if you’re feeling really kind please follow us here too 😊
Written by Leigh Smyth FRSA, Founder, Impact Match